Words Matter
Books • Writing • Education
Your words matter. Make them count.
This is the interactive virtual home for Words Matter Creative Writing, and author Eric Sheridan Wyatt.
No matter what you are writing, creating, or imagining, Words Matter will support, encourage, and guide you to a more authentic and meaningful expression of yourself. Join us!
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The Life You Save May Be Your Own

My goal is to write every morning, six times a week, in a journal like this one.
Over the years, I've filled dozens of these books with the thoughts of a creative writer, and human being.

Reviewing these journal volumes is a great way to look back at what was going on in life, recall lost ideas, and come to terms with things that once seemed incomprehensible.

And, there were a couple times, when this... saved my life.

I want to talk to you again this week about journaling, and give you an update on my progress toward writing one million words.


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Process and Priorities

This week, I explain my recent absence from posting update videos for my year-long Million Words Project by giving you a peek behind the curtain…so to speak.

Hey! There's a Fifth Element!

Here's the latest update...almost half-way there!


Update for weeks 19 and 20.

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